Saturday, June 22, 2013

A system is chosen

Last night was my normal gaming groups weekly game. While we continued our current campaign set in my wife's game world there was a bit of discussion about the upcoming Highfolk campaign. We have determined so far that we will be starting the game in about a month, and I cleared up some points on character creation for the game. namely that there will be no divine characters of any sort and that magic will be exceptionally rare.

After the game was over I spent the rest of my evening looking over game systems that I thought would fit the theme and world best. I looked over the various Dungeons and Dragons games as well as GURPS, Pathfinder, and even toying with simplifying the current Shadowrun rules and using them in a strictly fantasy genre. Simple Shadowrun is the game I opted for and I spent the next few hours tweaking the system. When I got up today I opened my tablet and began working on the Shadowrun modification then it hit me. I was working away at breaking down Shadowrun since I wanted a simple classless system when I thought of a better solution, Savage Worlds. Savage Worlds is a game that I purchased years ago and loved the concept of but never actually utilized. It's simplicity and focus on fast paced action and adventure are awesome but at the time my focus was on a slower paced old school game and Savage Worlds lack the kind of detail oriented focus for some good old school dungeon delving. I figured since I have wanted to try the game for ages now and since I am looking for a simple system that doesn't make use of classes Savage Worlds is worth the try and at the very least a very interesting experience.

     - Keep Gaming,

Friday, June 21, 2013

The birth of a game.

   I created this blog ages ago and never really knew what to do with it. I posted a few times and realized I had no reason to post to it so I deleted the posts and left it dormant for a good long while. Well now I have a use for it. Incoherent Nerdism will be my place to go and leave notes and thoughts about my upcoming RPG the Highfolk Campaign.
   This game is going to be run a little differently from all of my previous games. I have been a Dungeon Master for around 12 years and it's always been about the pen and paper. The Highfolk Campaign will of course still be a pen and paper RPG but I am going to go about things a little differently. I am bringing my gaming into the modern era and including things like social media, a wiki, and of course this blog. My hope is that these additions will add a new level to our gaming.

   I will update this blog as it suits me, considering that I have no expectations (or any real desire) of any kind of readership. If you are reading this I appreciate your interest and hope that anything I learn from this gaming experience that I share can be equally useful to you as it is to me.

          Keep Gaming